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Our experienced team includes subject leaders, and teachers from both primary and secondary settings, along with PE practitioners and knowledgeable training experts.

This combination of practical and training expertise enables us to deliver a bespoke solution for every school, academy, multi-academy, and community setting.

Every school, academy, multi-academy, or setting is different.  Our team can provide information, advice, and guidance to support headteachers, teachers, administrative staff, and learners to thrive with an increased workforce through apprenticeships.


  • Our highly successful delivery to Teaching Assistants includes Specialist SEND training to either new or existing staff
  • Directors are members of Trailblazer groups and deliver talks at National Conferences
  • We support schools and community settings to recruit staff, especially in challenging areas such as  Early Years Practitioner and Early Years Educator

Learners receive support along every step of their apprenticeship journey.  Whether you are a school leaver looking to explore a career pathway in education or using apprenticeship training to harness and develop existing skills.


  • Outstanding Ofsted Provider, September 2021
  • AELP/FE week – Education and Childcare Provider of the year 2022
  • Register of Apprenticeship Training Providers (ROATP) refreshed May 2022

Apprenticeship Provider of the Year 2022

In recognition of our high quality apprenticeships, we were awarded the Education & Childcare Apprenticeship provider of the Year by the Apprenticeship Awards 2022 as part of the Annual Apprenticeship Conference and Exhibition.

Meet the Team

Working successfully delivering apprenticeships since 2011

Educational and Sporting Futures Training UK Ltd was established in 2011 and is an apprenticeship training provider that has flourished and developed through nationally recognised good practice.

The Directors Jill Eaton and Jo Pountney have both been involved in developing personalised learning pathways and delivering sporting accreditations for individuals since 2011, in an apprenticeship capacity.

“We speak the language of our schools and recognise the daily challenges faced within the school environment and we are here to work with schools to recognise the value of apprenticeships, not just in schools but across the wider landscape.”

Jill Eaton, MBE

Director, Educational and Sporting Futures

We have a team of specialist experienced Teachers, Senior Staff from Primary and Secondary Schools, Assessors and IQA’s who support and mentor our learners on our apprenticeship programmes.

The flexibility and experience of our team coupled with our extensive school network enables us to deliver high-quality training for our apprentices with high levels of achievement success.

Sporting Futures Training has accredited centre status for the delivery of Active IQ, NCFE, Cache, Highfields and 1st4Sport qualifications.

“Apprentices at Sporting Futures Training strive and achieve the highest professional standards. They show outstanding enthusiasm and commitment in their job roles. They understand superbly their position as role models for the children in their school and their community."

Ofsted: September 2021

"Tutors use their teaching skills expertly to adapt training plans to ensure that each apprentice develops the broadest range of new skills and knowledge. Tutors ensure that apprentices’ learning is relevant to their school setting and their job role.

Ofsted: September 2021

"Leaders ensure that ongoing careers advice and guidance is exceptionally good. It underpins every aspect of the apprentices’ training and enables them to be aspirational and successful in their career choices."

Ofsted: September 2021

Our exceptional team of proven experts in the educational field can work with employers to create an innovative bespoke training model through Apprenticeships.

What does a teaching assistant typically earn?

Educational and Sporting Futures

Business Technology Centre
Bessemer Drive

Telephone: 01438 791068
