Level 7 Senior Leader
Apprenticeship with NPQSL
A new professional development pathway to effective Senior Leadership
Combining the Level 7 Senior Leader apprenticeship with NPQSL is a fully funded pathway.
In conjunction with LLSE, we have designed and developed this innovative senior leadership programme.
Participants will achieve both a National Professional Qualification (NPQ) and an apprenticeship certification. By combining these two pathways, you’ll gain a
well-rounded skillset that blends specialised educational leadership with adaptable
management practices.
The Level 7 Senior Leader Apprenticeship with NPQSL provides a comprehensive learning experience for current and aspiring senior leaders in schools or colleges.
Apprenticeships are funded through the Apprenticeship levy with no additional fees for the NPQSL.
Benefits of the Senior Leader Apprenticeship with NPQSL
- Participants will undertake a single, integrated programme in which the NPQ learning outcomes and the Apprenticeship knowledge, skills and behaviours have been seamlessly mapped.
- Enjoy applying learning in the workplace through practical projects and case studies.
Content overview
Key topics you’ll explore through the lens of the work of a senior leader:
- School / college culture
- Teaching
- Curriculum and assessment
- Behaviour
- Additional and special educational needs and disabilities
- Professional development
- Organisational management
- Implementation
- Working in partnership
- Governance and accountability
The Learning Journey
Within each module there are opportunities for you to complete formative assessment activities which will enable you and your facilitator to reflect on and evaluate the progress you make whilst completing the qualification.
Underpinning Leadership knowledge
- Strengthen your ability to make informed, strategic decisions that ensure long-term sustainability and compliance.
- Learn how to empower staff to improve teaching practices and drive continuous professional development across your school.
- Stay ahead of educational trends by identifying and responding to the evolving needs of pupils and your wider school community.
Preparing to implement change
- Use evidence-based approaches to drive sustainable school improvement.
- Support colleagues to apply research-driven strategies in the classroom.
- Understand the key principles that enhance teaching quality.
Driving positive change
- Extend and deepen your leadership knowledge through engaging with current research and applying evidence-based strategies to real-world challenges.
- Develop crisis management skills by learning how to effectively manage and respond to critical situations with confidence, ensuring stability and continuity within your school.
- Understand the educational landscape clearly and explore marketing strategies that strengthen your school’s values and public perception.
- Learn how to enhance parental engagement and build positive relationships with parents, empowering them to support their children’s learning and contribute to a thriving school community.
Supporting sustainable chanage
- Use strategic decision-making approaches to drive sustainable school improvement.
- Gain insights from experienced leaders in other schools through discussion forums and shared best practices.
- Recruit, develop, and support staff effectively, fostering a high-performing team.
- Apply financial planning and risk management to workforce planning and resource allocation.
- Understand the role of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in education leadership and its impact on your school community.
SEND Masterclasses: Additional optional training
Participants can access Virtual Specialist SEND Masterclasses, delivered termly, to enhance their knowledge of supporting children with SEND. These webinars cover key topics, including Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Autism Spectrum Disorder, and Communication Needs, providing valuable insights for effective inclusion and support strategies.
Who is this course suitable for?
This course is designed for school and college leaders who are, or who are aspiring to be, a senior leader with cross-school/cross-college responsibilities, including recently appointed headteachers.
To be eligible for this programme you will need to:
- Have the right to work in the UK
- Be employed for a minimum of 16 hours per week in England
- Entry Requirement: Applicants must declare they have achieved a minimum of GCSE English and Maths at Grade 4 (Grade C) or above, or hold an equivalent Level 2 Functional Skills qualification.
You will also require approval from your Headteacher / Sponsor.
How will I study?
Throughout the programme, you will engage in a variety of learning activities These activities form a compulsory element of the programme. You will also apply new knowledge and skills through practical activities and projects, including:-
- independent online learning
- face-to-face workshops and training events
- online webinars and 1:1 coaching and support
As part of the online learning, you will have the opportunity to engage with relevant research and evidence, learn how leaders in other schools carry out their role and participate in discussion forum activities.
In addition, you’ll be asked to complete a series of activities to build a personal online learning journal, record of CPD and a portfolio of evidence.
Throughout your programme, you will be expertly guided with support from your two facilitators, one will be apprenticeship focused and the other NPQ focused. They will work side by side.
Additional support will be by your in-school coach who will work with your apprenticeship facilitator to review your progress on six occasions throughout the programme.

Off-the-job Training
Off-the-job training is a key part of your development. This means dedicated time during your normal working hours to focus
on learning and applying new skills related to your apprenticeship.
Think of it as your chance to dive deeper expand your knowledge, and grow professionally.
All of the required learning during the programme (asynchronous learning, workshops, webinars, face-to-face events and progress reviews) count towards your Off-the-job time. It can however also include a variety of other activities, such as:
- Reading relevant articles or publications and staying up-to-date on education or leadership trends and developments
- Applying your knowledge to real-world projects, solidifying your leadership skills and confidence
- Networking with peers and education leaders
- Research and revision
- Coaching and mentoring with both your Apprenticeship and NPQSL coaches and your in-school coach.
Essentially, any activity that helps you develop the knowledge, skills, and behaviours outlined in your apprenticeship standard counts as “off-the-job” training. This dedicated learning time is crucial for your success and will help you become a skilled and competent leader in your setting.
How will you be assessed?
Formative assessment takes place throughout the programme, helping you to understand the progress you are making, and for your facilitators to adapt your learning experiences.
Whilst studying regular progress reviews will take place with you, your in-school coach and the Apprenticeship facilitator.
The final assessments provide the opportunity to demonstrate the full range of knowledge, skills, and behaviours you have developed
throughout the programme.
There are two separate assessment processes, one of each of your qualifications.
For the Apprenticeship
The Apprenticeship End Point Assessment (EPA) takes place over a 2-month period and comprises:
- Portfolio of evidence that documents your understanding of the required Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours (KSBs)
- Strategic Business Proposal (4,000 words) plus presentation
- Professional discussion based on your portfolio of evidence.
For the NPQSL
There are two criteria to achieving the qualification:
- Engagement with a minimum of 90% of the course
- Successful completion of the NPQSL Summative Assessment.
The summative assessment takes the form of a 2,500-word response to a case study, completed in a single 8-day window at the end of your programme. The assessment will give you the opportunity to demonstrate how you would deploy the knowledge, skills and understanding gained through the NPQ to lead and implement a specific aspect of change.
Further details on NPQSL assessment.
Fully fund the Level 7 programme using your Apprenticeship Levy
The Senior Leader Apprenticeship with NPQSL is eligible for full funding through the Apprenticeship Levy. This means participants can complete the NPQSL at no cost, while also gaining additional leadership skills through the apprenticeship curriculum. The programme has a funding band of £14,000 (subject to reductions based on prior learning and experience).
How does the funding work?
- If your employer (school, nursery, MAT, or local authority) has a salary bill of over £3 million, they will be a levy-paying organisation, which means 100% of the cost of the programme can be funded from the employer’s levy pot. Levy paying employers can access their funds through the central Digital Apprenticeship Service (DAS).
- Local Authority schools contribute to a large levy, known as a shared levy pot. Funding can be accessed even if your school payroll is below the £3 million levy threshold and this can be requested via the Local Authority’s Apprenticeship Levy Manager.
- Where a maintained school sits within a Local Authority levy arrangement, Educational and Sporting Futures can work with the Local Authority to explore procurement processes.
Non-levy paying employers (i.e. with a salary bill of under £3 million) are required to contribute 5% to the cost of the programme – this is £700. Where this is the case, Educational and Sporting Futures can work with your employer to seek support from a levy transfer partner with the aim of alleviating the fees, however this cannot be guaranteed.
Additional guidance is provided by LLSE and the DfE.
Funding for national professional qualifications (NPQs) – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I complete an apprenticeship as a part-time member of staff?
You need to be employed for a minimum of 16 hours per week to undertake the apprenticeship and will need to attend all the synchronous training events as outlined in the calendar. If required, we can extend the duration of the apprenticeship so that you have longer to complete the evidence tasks and asynchronous learning.
What commitment do I need to make during my time at work in order to fulfil the requirements of the apprenticeship? Do I need to be ‘off the job’ 1 day per week?
If I move school halfway through the apprenticeship, is it transferrable to my new employer?
Yes, it is possible to change schools and continue on the apprenticeship, usually without interruption. To do this, you would need to transfer your apprenticeship. You’ll need to speak to your coach if this situation occurs so that we can ensure your new employer
is suitable.
When does the course start
The next cohort starts April 2025 and applications are now open.
How to apply
1. Register your personal details
- Click this link to register your personal details learn.llse.org.uk/apply. These will be pre-selected, but ensure they’re set to:
- NPQ programme: Level 7 Senior Leader Apprenticeship with NPQSL
- Delivery Partner: LLSE National
- Cluster: Level 7 Senior Leader Apprenticeship with NPQSL
You’ll then receive an email from LLSE Learn with your username and password so that you can continue your application.
Our online dashboard will guide you through each step of the process.
2. Register with the DfE
register-national-professional qualifications.education.gov.uk/
If you do not have a Teacher Reference Number (TRN), you will need to apply for one at gov.uk/guidance/teacher-reference-number-trn before you can register via the DfE portal.
3. Complete your Applicant registration form
- Enter your personal details, contacts, tell us about your role and confirm
your eligibility for the programme - Upload Photo ID
- Upload GCSE English and Maths or Functional Skills certificates
- Share your reasons for choosing this programme
4. Complete your Employer registration form
- Enter school address and details for key contacts
- Confirm whether your school is a levy or non-levy organisation
- Let us know a convenient date and time for your enrolment meeting
It’s best to complete this form with and/or share the link with your employer
Our online dashboard will guide you through each step of the process.
5. Approval
- Your Headteacher/Sponsor and in-school coach will receive emails to confirm they approve your participation in the programme.
Begin your Level 7 Senior Leader Apprenticeship with NPQSL
Educational and Sporting Futures
Business Technology Centre
Bessemer Drive
Telephone: 01438 791068